
Students:  I have received numerous written notes and emails from students over the years. This recent note from a senior who completed Honors Algebra 2 last year stands out:


Thank you so much for this year of math!! I have always liked math and knew I was good at it but this past year you have showed me that I love and have a passion for it! You have blessed me immensely! I enjoy math insanely and you made it so much better. Your teaching is incredibly helpful and because of your incredible skill and patience I'm ready for calculus :) Thank you so much! I can't wait to see what I can achieve and I thank you for helping me understand that math isn't just gibberish. You're an incredible teacher and I miss your classes already! I hope you have an amazing summer! I will definitely keep in touch :) Thank you, -M.

From Parents:

I cannot recommend Julie as a teacher enough! My 17 year old son has taken 5 math classes, 4 years of Latin, AP Statisticsand AP Physics with her. Julie doesn’t just teach the subject she is teaching, she lives it and knows it inside out. She understands the material in a way that she can communicate it with great knowledge and passion. Julie also is willing to help meet the needs of her students. She recognizes when students are not understanding, and takes time to help them out. She is aware of what is happening with her students and how they interact with the material she is presenting to them. She cares very much about what she is doing and the students she is working with. She understands learning is about the material, and also a student's ability to take a test and have good study habits. My son has blossomed as a fine academic student under her care.

~Barbara Mulvany

My son took classes for two years with Julie, two math classes and one science lab.  Julie is passionate about any subject she is teaching, she pours herself into knowing each subject and she makes each subject come alive.  The last class my son took was an Algebra 2/Pre-Calc class. When he was done with the class he tested into college calculus.  I was in the class weekly and could see how Julie not only inspires the kids to “get” math to do their best, she always comes alongside the ones that are struggling and makes a way for them to feel successful and have the best knowledge possible when they leave her class.  You know you have a great teacher when your son says for months after he is done with classes….” I miss Mrs. Brennan’s classes!”  I only wish that we had heard about her classes earlier, but I am so thankful for the time that we had with Julie!

Alison G., Parent

My son began taking geometry with Julie this year.  I have been very impressed at her ability to teach and engage the students, her organization, her enthusiasm, and her rapport with the kids.  I love that Julie understands and appreciates homeschooling.  The course is academic, and he has learned a great deal about geometry.  He will definitely be taking math again with Julie next year!

~Jill Keltner, parent and a teacher at the Home Learning Community at Innovations Academy